Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Short Path Game

I've been reading a great book lately to help me up my math exploration with the kids.  It's called More Than Counting.  It's inspired some game making and I took a plunge and installed Adobe Acrobat Pro (the trial version) to see if I could make printables to share.  I started with an Animals in Winter Short Path Game.  Our preschool topic tomorrow is about Animals in Winter, so what better to start with?  Using the homemade 1-3 die, kids will roll to see how far along to move their counter.  When they get from the squirrel to the acorn they win.  Every child has their own game board for this type of game. 

So, what did I learn when I tried this out with the boys?  LOTS!  First of all, we are NOT READY for this type of game yet.  There is still a lot of 1 to 1 correspondence lacking in my boys knowledge.  Also, the idea of leaving a game piece and each move adds on to where you already were along the path.  So, the conclusion?  HOLD UP!  BACK UP!  It's time to start with something easier.  Now, I'm off to make a grid game instead, we'll see if we can master some of these skills yet!

To download the file for the Animals in Winter Short Path Game, just click on the image of the game above.

Update (just a few minutes later) I've finised a grid game. I've yet to try it with my boys and will be heading off to lunch time now, but go ahead and try it with your kids.  If you download the game PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!  I'd love to know who is using these and how.  Just click on the picture below to download the grid game.

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