Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Welcome Back!

We had such a fun time today in preschool that I found myself without my camera the first half of the day.  We were very engaged in reading and phonics.  We're working through a leveled reader set from Scholastic called Tug the Pup as well as practicing phonics and sight words with Ready2Read by the Moffatt Girls and learning about vowels, consonants and digraphs with various activities.
 The kids were so excited when we started learning and practicing counting to 100 by ones.  We talked about how learning something new takes hard work and lots of practice.  We counted to 100 four times and then got to color 100 charts.  Encourage your child to practice counting to 100 during car rides - it's the perfect practice location!
We also did free writing in our journals today.  The kids had great stories to tell after being on break for such a long time they were so excited to share with their friends about their presents, their dreams, dance classes and silly stories.

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