Monday, December 26, 2011

A Little Catch Up from the Holiday Weekend

Friday morning we played whatever the boys wanted to do.  We started with water color painting.

 Then they decided that we should play with play dough, which led to making dough to make ornaments.
 We did a hand print ornament for each boy and they got to use the cookie cutters to make the rest of them, of course the chose to mostly do construction tools.
 EMan has determined that if he's done being in his seat he's just going to get down himself.  It's been the cause of a number of bruises to his head lately, I guess I should just be more proactive about buckling him in, but I also think he should eventually learn...right?
 We painted our hand prints with a mixture of flour, salt and water.
 Sunday morning the boys got into their stocking before going to church.  Santa had brought toothbrushes for each of the boys, they were SO excited!  Check out that expression on EMan's face.
 After church we proceeded with the unwrapping of gifts.  EMan is so interested in this peg board Santa brought!
 C got the Vtech InnoTab and is in love with it.  He turns three next week so he's a bit young for its intended age (4-9) but caught right on to a penguin puzzle game and played it for almost an hour!  I'd call that a successful learning toy.
I hope everyone had a happy and wonderful holiday!


  1. Looks like a great holiday weekend! Sammy got the innotab as well! Let me know if you download any apps that you like :-)

  2. Love the tools they made with their playdough! My daughter got the innotab last month and loves it. She's also not quite 3 and LOVES the penguin game!

  3. Santa always brings toothbrushes in our stockings too! We got a pegboard, but we haven't tried it out yet. Looks fun! :)

    Stopping by from Tot School!

