Upon retiring, which is a difficult decision for those with teaching in their soul, Gwen had a desire to continue helping in the educational world. Teacher2Teacher Educators Consignment Sale was born out of that desire.
I taught in the public schools for 4 years before resigning to stay at home, raise a family, and eventually find that homeschooling suited our needs. In those 4 years the amount of books, supplies, manipulatives and classroom items that I purchased out of pocket was surprising. Now, 5 years later, the items that have been in storage from teaching 1st grade are starting to be pulled out and used in our homeschool. Having a set of 6 of everything isn't logical anymore. There are materials that may only take us a day or week to learn from, and then what? Storage again? As a homeschooler there are numerous learning tools that are fantastic to have for a short time, but our kids are growing and will soon be onto the next stage of development requiring a different set of manipulatives. I am so thrilled about the Denver Teacher2Teacher Educators Consignment Sale August 1-3, 2014. It will give me a chance as a homeschooler to sell items taking up storage to other homeschoolers and teachers that will love them like we loved them. It will also give me a chance to purchase items that we're now developmentally ready for but certainly don't need to purchase brand new. It's a win-win situation that I'm totally excited about! So, if you're in Colorado and have a need to sell or buy teacher stuff I hope you'll join me at the Teacher2Teacher Educators Consignment Sale! Be sure to "Like" their FaceBook page to help get the word out!
I think I'll be able to go and works out perfect being in Westminster. I'll add it to my calendar. Thanks for sharing.