Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cleaning and Candy Hay

Yesterday the boys were playing "cleaning".  It was amazing how long this held their attention.  One of them was using the broom (though often to "mop" the walls) and the other was using s Brussel sprouts stalk to "mop" everything they could. The green laundry bucket was their pretend bucket of soapy water.
 For snack yesterday we made candy hay.  It's melted chocolate and chow mien noodles.  I used it to introduce our letter of the week "H" since we didn't have formal preschool in the morning.
 EMan loved the snack!
 It was quite a mess though!
 And of course, he needed to scratch his ear with chocolate covered hands.
 I think that every new mom needs to be informed that their house will never be clean again.  I think I could have used that as a poster sized reminder hanging in my home before my first was born so that I would have appreciated the clean pre-baby home a little more.  One of my favorite things is these Bissell vacuums ($15 at Walmart) that we hacksawed the handle and cut down to be kid size. EMan prefers the vacuum to the numerous "walking toys" that we have borrowed from our friends.
 T will also randomly say, "It's messy in here Miss Amanda.  I think I need to vacuum."  We've talked about how plugging and unplugging the vacuum is a mommy or daddy job and I just love that the boys are actually doing some real work while they play.
 Another thing I'm in love with is my NatureMill indoor composter.  Most of the stuff I sweep up off my kitchen floor are food scraps from my messy little kids.  I can dump them right into this little guy and every two weeks I have a cubic foot of compost to use as a mulch on top of my garden vegetables.
 Another handy cleaning must is kid sized spray bottles and wash cloths.  I just fill mine with water since they inevitably will be spraying it at each other or into their mouths.  It starts out though as a good 20 minutes of them spraying everything in sight and them wiping it down.  Just be sure to follow behind them when their done to make sure that puddles of water don't ruin anything.
 CJ loves this task.

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