Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Tot School Feelings

Yesterday I gained possession of a toddler lawn mower that blows bubbles.  After tot school today I joked with a mom that maybe next week I'll have 7 of them - one per kiddo.  They loved that thing, and would you believe that I REALLY want to take it apart and see how its designed?  For real.  All bubble blowers die really fast at my house, they get left out in the rain and are used so excessively that they are sticky and ruin the motor because they are unclean-able.  This lawn mower comes with instructions to clean it out with the hose, so I have high hopes that it will live forever.  I'd bet the kids have the same high hopes. I was a broken record today in regards to sharing the the bubble blowing lawn mower.  "It's so-and-so's turn right now.  I see that you'd like another turn.  Wait just a minute and you can play again.  That's how we share." ...and repeat. 
 We also painted, practiced knocking down the monster cans, and practiced pouring our own water at snack time after all washing up in the sink first.  Everyone washing their hands is a parade of sorts.  They get so excited about it.  If you have a young child I highly suggest the hands-free foam soap dispensers.  They are a life saver and the kids love to use them.  After snack we played in the basement for about 30 minutes before heading outside again.  Since it was so wet from the rain outside there were certain toys and books I wanted to share with the group but not leave on the wet grass all morning.  We played puppets, read stories, explored the numbers 1-5, reviewed the letter M, and found extra toys to play with.
The mini Hungry Hungry Hippos game (bottom left picture) is my favorite picture from today.  Those two were having a blast playing the game together.  We're all in the stage of learning to share and take turns.  That picture is proof that we're headed in a good direction! Have a great week!  I look forward to talking about the Dentist next week!

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