Thursday, April 5, 2018

Tot School - Planting Seeds

We had such a fantastic day in tot school yesterday.  We read some books and played with the playhouse inside as we got settled.  Then we went outside.  Our theme was "Planting Seeds" We played with a wildflower mix of seeds, potting soil, and watering cans in the sensory bin. 
 Snack included Oreo's (simply because they look like dirt) and bananas. 
 At the end of the day we planted flowers in our flower pots.  This is the toddler connection of seeds turn into flowers - just sped up for our class time together.  I love how they each planted their flowers completely true to their own personalities.  Also, I'm impressed with myself for being able to plant flowers with 5 small kids and get pictures of most of them as we did it :).  It was a great day!  I love that the weather is more consistently warm and I look forward to being outside more often.

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