Find the Year Long Theme Calendar here and follow along with us!
The preschool curriculum that is all inclusive and provides hours of fun and engaging learning! The "August Preschool Packs" contain 4 theme based lesson plans, a total of 136 pages of lesson plans and activity printables. My preschooler has begged to do his "homework" because it's a wonderful time that we spend together learning age appropriate concepts! These plans are intended to be taught in a 10 month sequence from Aug-May, though may be adapted to use individually.
*If you work with toddlers be sure to check out the Tot School information for Tot Packs.*
You can now download the bundle of August Preschool Packs HERE, or get them individually by following the links below.
1.Welcome and Manners {Download}
The Welcome and Manners preschool pack sets you off on the right foot to have a fantastic school year learning the basics of reading, math, science, art, social studies, music and the world around us. There are printables to help set up a learning station for preschoolers (colors, shapes, numbers, etc.) as well as activity pages to learn the quantity of 1, what "school" will look like and the routines we will follow, how to listen for sounds and participate appropriately.
The Welcome and Manners preschool pack sets you off on the right foot to have a fantastic school year learning the basics of reading, math, science, art, social studies, music and the world around us. There are printables to help set up a learning station for preschoolers (colors, shapes, numbers, etc.) as well as activity pages to learn the quantity of 1, what "school" will look like and the routines we will follow, how to listen for sounds and participate appropriately.
2. School Tools {Download}
School Tools introduces students to many of the tools they'll be using throughout the year. It introduces new vocabulary words like "respect" as we talk about how you'd show respect for school tools. I find that introducing items and having a conversation around how to use and treat them provides the students with the structure and understanding they need to be successful throughout the school year. There are many less broken pencils and crayons as we go along as well. We start learning the quantity of 2, talk about how to share and the difference between needs and wants and introduce matching according to color. We get more into sorting according to variable attributes later, and matching by color is a great place to start. Volume is a fantastic study to start right off the bat so that children can understand "indoor" and "outdoor voices" and when to use them. We arm children with the tools they need to be a successful reader by giving them age appropriate actions and reminders for what they do when they see a letter. There are also coloring and tracing pages to go along with this fantastic set.

3. I Am Special {Download}
This pack starts introducing how each of us have our own special talents and abilities. We look similar in certain ways and we look different in certain ways. No one else is exactly like you! As we study the quantity of 3 and start learning the letter M we trace, color, match, sing and use a magnifying glass to study our finger prints. There are also materials to make a class or family apple tree that shows why each person is special.
4. Manners {Download}
We continue our conversation about fairness and respect as we talk about Manners on our 4th day of school. We hit on how each person's actions affect the whole group. We can share, help and be happy when we have manners throughout the day. There are tickets for positive reinforcement and happy/sad face puppets for a few activities throughout the day. The vocabulary "equal" is introduced as we talk about sets up to 5 and what quantities are the same. We continue practicing the letter M with cutting and pasting activities and tracing activities.
4. Manners {Download}
We continue our conversation about fairness and respect as we talk about Manners on our 4th day of school. We hit on how each person's actions affect the whole group. We can share, help and be happy when we have manners throughout the day. There are tickets for positive reinforcement and happy/sad face puppets for a few activities throughout the day. The vocabulary "equal" is introduced as we talk about sets up to 5 and what quantities are the same. We continue practicing the letter M with cutting and pasting activities and tracing activities.
**Preschool packs are lesson plans intended for a small preschool classroom or homeschool. They are not to be used individually as they follow a year long curriculum that builds upon itself. The themes specify what the underlying topic is that we'll be talking about with literature, in our art, and any science or social studies activities. Reading and Math activities most often do not relate to the theme and these lesson plans are heavy in the reading and math department. Printables expand on what we're able to cover in our 2.5 hours allotted to learn the materials and are often used as homework practice. The reading lesson plans are designed to be used with all the materials from the Amazing Action Alphabet and have been proven to teach children to be successful readers.
**Each preschool pack has 3 pages of lesson plan ideas. Each child should be introduced to activities that don't involve something you can print from a computer, such as building blocks or painting. These first 3 pages of lesson plans have all of the ideas that match the theme in one easy spot. The lesson plans pages are organized by subject for easy referencing. I've linked many of the materials listed to to provide you with more information about products you might want to consider using. These packs have a lot of research behind them as I am a licensed teacher with experience teaching PreK-2nd Grade for 10 years.
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