
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday Preschool - Pets (and Bugs!)

It was such a delightful last day of Tot School Tuesday. We learned all about pets (and then threw in some bug activities at the end of the day to be ready for our bug party). 
 We started the day inside making TP roll pets.  They are so cute!  We made dogs and bunnies.
 Everyone colored their own parts and then I assembled them.

 We read a few books about pets, pet needs, and how to show a pet you love them.  We did the ASL for all the pets as we came across them in our books.

 We headed outside for snack time.  Today we had g/f pretzels (circle shapes), apples and cucumbers.  Yum!

Next I got out the "Bug Spray" game to teach them how to play before the bug party.
 There are little bug sprayers and we had to fill them up in the bucket of water and then spray off the pictures of bugs on the chalk board.  They had so much fun and played this game for quite a long time. At this point all the stuffed animal pets had been forgotten :)

 Our sensory activity for Pets was a bowl of water beads.  They're basically the same type of little beads that absorb moisture in a diaper, but are sold as decorative vase fillers.  They absorb water and have a very squishy feel to them.  The kids LOVED sticking their hands in this bowl.  In fact, I thought it was cool and interesting feeling enough to stick my hands in a few times :)

 Trying on our antenna headbands for our bug party :)  I was going to get a class picture but VB was out sick today :(.  Hopefully we'll get one at the bug party!
 Back inside playing with the pets tot pack while I gathered all of their artwork and items from the school year to send home.  It was such a delightful year.  I'm so happy to have so many of these kids coming back next year!


  1. Seeing all the kids together with their antennae on made me want to cry :)

    1. They are so cute aren't they? I just love all these little kids.
