
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday Preschool - Last Day of School and Bug Party Celebration

Today was the last day of preschool for this school year.  We had so much fun and enjoyed a bug party celebration at the end of the day.  This post is long (80+ pictures) but is worth looking through it all!
 Starting the day off with some puzzles.

 Next I introduced the bug bouncers and the kids LOVED them!
 Then we learned the game "Bug Spray".  You take a bath toy bug, fill it with water, and then try to wash off the bugs that are on the chalk board.  Yet again, they loved this.  JN kept saying "This is the best day ever!"  It made me smile :)

 Snack time of cottage cheese, cucumbers an crackers.
 We got to play with the water bead sensory tub today as well.
 Practicing our songs for the bug party.
 Now we're digging for bugs in the sandbox.
 End of year class photo (missing VB and ZR).
 Catching some butterflies!
 Afternoon preschool started with a browse through our encyclopedias to find something we're interested in reading about.  Then we printed a couple of books and highlighted all the words we could read.  These books are for you to keep at home and enjoy (until the time comes to throw them out).

 Water bead sensory play.

 Class photo.
 Snack of tomatoes, apples and crackers.
 EMan stuffed a couple tomatoes in his cheeks and everyone decided to copy him.

 RS brought these cute and fun gift bags for all her friends.  Thank you!
 Practicing our songs.
 The bug party begins...
 All the fun bug games were around the yard to play for the first little bit.

 Yummy Food!

 Getting ready for our little performance.
 CJ cracks me up.

 Story time for everyone.
 I read "Let Me Hold You Longer".  Such a cute book that reminds us to love and hug our littles a little longer.

 I love this last picture.  A little pow-wow going on while these three discuss their plan to wear their new bags and "deliver" or something like that :) It sounded like a fun game.

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