
Monday, May 20, 2013

Tot School Thursday - Mud and Worms

Mud and Worms day is always so much fun.  We also learn about rain and rainbows on this day and get to do a few fun activities with colors.  I love this small motor skills game that we played when everyone arrived.  I put circle stickers in different colors on a container and then drilled a hole through the middle.  Kids put short pipe cleaners through the holes that matched the pipe cleaner color.  It was so fun and easy!
 We also were worms crawling through the tunnel.

 They are all getting really good at starting a "group story time" idea.  They each get to sit on a green spot and participate in the reading.  They are growing up!

 Snack time!
 Next we got to look at the compost worms that our my families "pets" :).

 Outside we went to find the mud and the water.   This class seemed to love the water the most.
 The rest of the pictures really speak for themselves :)

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