
Friday, October 19, 2012

Doctors - Tot School Thursday

Tot School on Thursday was so much fun!  We had the SMART Board on for the first time on a color learning game and the kids loved it.  We also had played with the tweezers and pompoms.
 Look at those happy and excited faces!  They just love being successful and exploring!

 My niece (IB) is here visiting and joined us (along with her mom) for tot school.  It was so much fun to have her.
 We played with the doctor sets while we learned about H the horse huffing to the hospital.
 The Alphabet Pages continue to be a big hit with the toddler coloring crowd :)
 Snack time was black-eyed pea hummus and crackers - yum!

 We loved exploring the eye dropper art!

 Playing with the Doctors Tot Pack!
 Everyone helped clean up the table when we were done with art.
 Playing with the cars is always a big hit for Lil'ManJ.
 We explored our fine motor skills with g/f Rice Crispies and small cups.  Toddlers were encouraged to put the pieces in their cups and then dump them out and play again.

 How fun!

 We also measured height and weight.

 Checking temperatures was a very fun game :)
 We had a great day of learning and I look forward to learning all about pumpkins next week and Halloween the following, can you believe that we're already to Halloween! Wow, time flies when you're having fun!

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