
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Awfully Behind :(

I am awfully behind in posting pictures, but this is why:
I've been making Eman a tiger (NOT Tigger) costume and it took every waking moment to finish it.  The good news is that he loves it and would wear it every day if I let him.  I also made CJ a firefly costume, but don't have any really handy pictures of that.

{All pictures from classes the week of October 22nd are in this post, scroll down to check out all of them!}
Preschool A - Monday Morning - Caterpillars Preschool Pack
 We had a lot of fun learning the letter C and cutting up leaves!  Cutting leaves is great beginning cutting practice since there are no lines to follow.
 Practicing the Letter C book on the SMART Board.
 We've been talking a lot about rhyming and played a fun matching rhymes game.
 Snack time!
 Washing hands.
 We made caterpillars in art.  Color on coffee filters with marker and then spray them with water to make the color bleed.  Then tie them in the middle with a pipe cleaner.
 Hop Along The Path is a large motor game that helps with one-to-one correspondence and counting.
 We learned about "Near" and "Far" in math and ran back and forth in the yard coming near to Miss Amanda and running far away!
Monday Afternoon - Preschool B
We learned the word families -up and -op from the Moffatt Girls Ready2Read Level 1 Unit 4.
 Matching pictures to words.
 Deciding what we would do for the day and in what order.
 These are some happy musicians!
 Writing time came next!

 Working to write all the -ug words they could think of.
 Personal -ug words (his list is upside down in the picture, but I bet you can still read it!)
 Reading BOB books.

 Working on sorting and graphing in math.
Tot School Tuesday - Pumpkins Tot Pack
 It was such a delightful day that we were able to play outside - yay!  Today was all about pumpkins.  We drew on pumpkins with washable markers and then washed them off with wipes to draw again.
 Our sensory bin contained orange rice and Halloween erasers to be scooped and dumped all day long.
 VB informed everyone else that the rice station was her "Office" and that she needed to "Get to work." It was very serious work indeed :)
 I love these two pictures of playing with the shaving cream art.  {grin}

 Playing with pumpkins.
 Ding-Dong!  Anyone home?
 Painting with pumpkins.

 Painting glue and sticking orange papers to a pumpkin shape.
 Reading pumpkin books.
 Working in the sandbox.
 I sprayed water on the window and gave the kids foam pumpkin shapes to stick on the window while we were waiting for moms to come for pick-up, such fun!
Wednesday - Preschool A - Pumpkins Preschool Pack
 Drawing on pumpkins with washable markers and then wiping them off to make a new design.

 We had a pumpkin investigation that required us to measure our pumpkins.

 We also weighed our pumpkins.

 And we saw if our pumpkins would sink or float.
 Then we played with pumpkin guts!

 And made pumpkin pie play-dough.
We each had a copy of 5 little pumpkins and circled all of the letters and sight words that we already knew!

 Then we practiced the 5 Little Pumpkins song by putting pumpkin stickers on our fingers :)

 We explored attribute blocks today through free exploration.  I generally give the kids a day to explore a new tool before I teach them the games I want them to play.

Wednesday - Preschool B
We've added the sight words: come, for, play, help, we

 Sorting our day.
 Picking what we'd like to have for snack time.
 Adding the details to our day.
 Art and writing time.
 {Below} "Scribble Art" by RS.

 Dancing during music time.
 Math was tricky as we tried to manipulate the candy corn with tweezers - it's harder than you'd think!
Tot School Thursday - Pumpkins Tot Pack
Yes, that is my son CJ who decided to "Kiss" the pumpkin after drawing on it with washable green marker, he's kind of a nut :)
 Drawing on pumpkins.
 Playing with the rice and erasers.
 Ooh!  What's in the bucket?
 Reading pumpkin books.

 Lil'GalA cleaned off the pumpkin and then wiped her mouth - she was slightly tinted green just like CJ!
 Lil'ManJ REALLY loved putting the erasers into the big pumpkin and then taking them out again.  He spent the majority of the day playing this activity.
 Shaving cream art.

 Practicing our cutting skills with sandpaper since it's a little easier to manipulate.
 Sliding and practicing falling off it :)
 Story Time!
 Playing with the Pumpkin Tot Pack.
 I love introducing things to the toddler classes and seeing what happens next.  It is really delightful when they take what I've shown them and play with the concept in their own own way :)
 Pumpkin glue and painting art!

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