
Friday, October 19, 2012

Doctors - Wednesday Preschool

In preschool on Wednesday we talked about H the horse and doctors.
 All of the doctor tools were out for exploration and the kids were exploring the items very individually (little interaction with each other) until I stepped in to play...

 And then Miss Amanda became the patient (for 7 doctors at once)...

 We played a fun pass the ball game that helped us practice our rhyming words.
 And we explored the letter H on
 We played with eyedropper art and I love that VB is always so focused that I get lots of pictures of her hair :)

Completing the H the horse maze and coloring from the Amazing Action Alphabet.
 We are spending a lot of time right now learning about location words in math.  Please use them at home (over, above, under, below, next to, in front of, behind).
 Preschool B decided that we should start with math today.  Every day in Preschool B we make a plan for what we're going to do for the day.  Because of this CJ has started telling me during other parts of the day what his plan will be.  A couple days ago he told his Opa that his plan was to go eat breakfast, go play basketball for 2 minutes and then eat a snack.  Most often his plan involves playing in the sandbox or with blocks and always involves tractors.  Do your kids make plans at home now?
 We utilized a few different resources for graphing and patterning.

 They loved playing the graphing games and I sent them all home with dice and a game board.  Just use your wet erase marker and play at home!
 We worked a bit on our reading skills - specifically identifying 'b' and 'd'.
 For music time they chose to do free play of instruments to music.
 We played a do-a-dot game to identify four sight words that are a little bit trickier for us to remember.
 We had art and writing combined and I'm almost embarrassed to say this, but yes, two kids drew spiders that were peeing and pooping, and then wrote about it.  They thought it was so funny! 

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