
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

M Preschool Review

We had a delightful review day in preschool.  We were able to take our time working on lessons that didn't get enough time in the first 2 weeks.  We're moving up to multiple piece puzzles already when we start our day, which is fantastic!
 We didn't get to do our M the Moose Art last week from the Amazing Action Alphabet, but we got to work on it today while I had each child read their M book to me individually.
 It is very important that preschoolers master the 4 skills a reader does:

  1. Look at the letters
  2. Point to the letters
  3. Make your mouth say the sound of the letter
  4. Listen to the sounds with your ears

Even though the very first reader books looks really simple it is crucial that your child masters all 4 of these skills right away.  (If you aren't doing the mini reader books from the Amazing Action Alphabet you are truly missing out.  They are the key to teaching littles to read so easily!)

There are also other things you should be aware of when your little one is reading books to you.  Hand them the book upside down and backwards.  Can they flip it right side up and forwards?  Are they pointing at the letters they are sounding out (not the adult)?  Are they turning the pages appropriately (ie: one at a time in the right direction)?  Are they reading the book from beginning to end without much prompting to refocus?  If they're having a difficult time focusing on reading perhaps they aren't quite ready yet. Are they having fun and enjoying the time with you?
 We also got to make "M Headbands" from the Moffatt Girls.   We had oodles of fun coloring, cutting and playing today!
 We practiced counting 4 items (monster stickers) and got to play maracas for music time as we talked about volume.  Keep up the great work at home!  This is such a fun age to work with!

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