
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Feelings - Tot School 9-4-13

We had oodles of fun exploring feelings today in school.  We talked about all of the different emotions we could feel.  We had little stress balls (balloons filled with corn starch) that the kids love squishing and exploring. 
 I also love my Discovery Toys Emotions Bean bag set with bowls.  We played with them on a Lazy Susan and it had the kids playing and exploring all day long!
 With toddlers I try to provide a number of different activities and as they are interested in something they can play with that and move at their own pace.  We love our peg boards!
 Outside we scooped, measured, poured and squished dry rice.  We had emotion puppets that we put into the rice (with Popsicle sticks) to continue with the theme.  Find all the tools for the Tot School Feelings day here.
We also explored the play dough again, though it didn't hold their attention as long today since I didn't pull out the scissors. 
 One of the last things we did was paint to music.  I'm having some iTunes issues so we didn't have all the feelings songs that I wanted to play, but we free explored the finger paint anyway.
 What's a day about feelings without playing with mirrors?  The toddlers love looking at themselves in the mirrors and seeing the reflection of different items around them.  It was so much fun!  Have a great week and remember to practice letter M at home.
Emotion Songs Playlist:
You can use any music you have on hand, but these are the songs I tend to use:
Aretha Franklin - This Bitter Earth - Sad/Blues
Count Basie - One O'Clock Jump - Happy/Joyful
Nora Jones - The Long Day is Over - Tired/Quiet
Stevie Wonder - Superstition - Playful
Abba - Mama Mia - Upbeat
Beatles - Yellow Submarine - Upbeat
Bach - Ave Maria
Beethoven's Symphony No. 9
Mozart - Pachabel Cannon in D
Mozart - The Magic Flute - Powerful
I don't listen to all of the songs, but do a little bit of a preview of them while the kids play.  I hope that helps!


  1. What are some examples of different kinds of music you used for different emotions? I had a hard time coming up with music to use when we did this unit last week.

    1. That's a great question I never thought to provide information for. You can certainly use music you already have, no need to buy anything new. Just look for music that has differing emotional components. I added my playlist to the end of the post for you so you have some ideas. I hope that helps!
