
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wednesday Preschool - Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day from Preschool A!  We started our day with a little painting project. If you'd rather not see what your Mother's Day gift is please don't read this post till after you open your gift. 

 Yes, it involved painting feet as well :)
 We reviewed the letter Q and started reviewing all the letters of the alphabet.  Once we caught a letter we had to say the letter's name and the sound it makes.
 We've loved reading this book a few times throughout the year "Mouse Makes Words".  It's a fun one to follow along and practice some basic reading.
 Practicing our songs for our end of year celebration.
 Getting ready to wrap our Mother's Day gifts.
 First we had to draw on the faces.
 Afternoon preschool started in much the same way - painting feet.

 I thought these turned out really cute.
 We've picked up on on the numbers 20-100 really well but still seem to be struggling with a few of the teen numbers.  We played a memory match game with the numbers 10-20 to help us with the teen numbers.

 We're still talking about /oo/ and today we talked about the sound it makes in words like "good" and "brook".

 Doing all the writing, drawing and wrapping of our Mother's Day gifts.

 Practicing songs for our end of year celebration.
 After song practice they decided that playing instruments would be awesome.

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