
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mother's Day - Tot School Tuesday

How lovely was the weather today?  Just perfect for a day outside in my opinion.  We enjoyed talking about mothers and Mother's Day today.  We strung necklaces with chunky beads and played with the bugs as well because the beads and bugs were all mixed together when I pulled out the buckets this morning :)
 We also got to play dress up.  Lil'GalBR was the first to jump in and get all fancy.
 We spent a lot of time working on our Mother's Day presents (if you don't want to know what it is until you open it STOP reading here!).
 Everyone was asked to take off shoes and socks.  We were going to be painting our feet.
 We did a trial run in our art notebooks first before making the ones for our moms.  They turned out so cute!
 After each painting of toes they were given a baby wipe to wipe off their feet.  You may find very painted toes when you take off their shoes and socks tonight.

 Snack time of peppers and pears.  Yum!
 All our finished art hanging on the fence to dry.  This hanging rack from Ikea is the best investment I've ever made.  I like the one inside in the preschool room, but the one outside makes outside school days that much easier!

 BR and EH were playing with the Mother's Day tot pack. They were taking off the flowers and matching them back to the correct color.
 AD's sock was missing and I loved how VB looked for it.  It was almost like doing yoga :)
 After our art project was done we got to wrap our presents.  I cut out a large piece of wrapping paper and then the girls made it fancy by cutting all around the edges.  They were very focused and LOVED this activity.

I can't believe I didn't think to snap any pictures of the taping of the presents.  I helped with 3 key pieces of tape, but then was handing out tape like crazy for everyone to finish taping their own.  They were so cute and very excited about their gifts for their moms.  I hope the moms enjoy them as well!

1 comment:

  1. So sad we couldn't make it. We tried to make the gifts last week, but not as pretty. She looked at the pictures and said friends and they are eating snack.
