
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day - Wednesday Preschool A

We started our day by decorating Valentine bags with stickers and crayons. 
 Setting them all up on the bench to be filled with love from our friends.
 So the cutest thing happened to me.  Starting with Tot School Tuesday everyone arrived, but didn't come in right away.  Then someone knocked at the door (unusual since it is unlocked and everyone lets themselves in).  I opened the door to find all my toddler friends each holding a rose which they handed to me as they walked in.  It was so super adorable!  Then this morning when preschoolers started arriving they each had a rose as well!  There is a special long one from CP.  What cute kids (and moms!) we have!
 After decorating our bags and setting them out we sat on the sofa so each person could show off their Valentines before putting them in the bags.

 One at a time we showed our Valentines and then stuffed them into the bags.  Some kids got the chance to read and match names and some weren't named and one just went into every bag.

 I'm really happy with how our Valentines turned out.  I requested no candy and there were so many creative Valentines.  I appreciate the moms who encouraged their children to write their own name on each Valentine.  We are working hard at writing our names and it was the little extra push to get a few kids to write them by themselves when we did art today.  Keep working on writing names at home!

 We learned how to play tic-tac-toe with these heart board games.  Everyone took one home and I hope you play with your children.  The rules are a bit tricky for our younger preschoolers but it is still a lot of fun!

 We headed downstairs to find the sensory tray full of rice and Valentine's toys.

There was plenty of scooping and digging and exploring!
 AB made this cute heart out of rice by placing a heart container upside down and wiggling it around like a cookie cutter - so smart!

 Yummy snack time!
JN declared, "This is the best day of my life!" and then AB asked, "When does the party start?" Well, the party had been started, when they walked in the door :) 

 Glue and tissue paper art was a hit when kids were done with snack.  We did get a little sticky in the process :)

 After art time we headed downstairs to learn our secret song.  Here we're listening to the words.

 The shape of the day was the rectangle, so we got to play with those for a little while...

 Then we had shape races.  Two kids at a time got to stand by the blue table.  I would then call out a shape and they'd race to put their hands on that shape.  They had a lot of fun!

 Here we are, getting ready for our performance.  Some moms weren't able to make it but for the moms that were on time they got a special treat...
For anyone who missed it, here it is:

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