
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day - Preschool B

What cute kids!  I just love teaching preschool.  They learn so much in such a short amount of time and they grow so much and you just love them to pieces :) We started the day making our Valentine bags to hold the goodies from our friends.

 CJ made puddles of glue on his bag and covered them with glitter.  Needless to say, his bag wasn't dry by the time we wanted to use them.  It was hard for me to not say anything about how I thought he should do it but I kept my mouth shut and let him explore.  I'd call that a mom win even though it made me cringe a bit :)
 We played tic-tac-toe with hearts.  Having done this activity with all age groups I feel like it's been a study of what age gets it and what age it is over their heads.  The toddlers just love to play with the hearts and put them on and off - that's okay.  The preschool A kids are divided, 3 year olds get the idea of taking turns back and forth and each putting on a heart and often both kids win because they don't block each other and they both just make straight lines.  4 year olds start to get the idea of blocking the other person and placing the hearts with a purpose.  Preschool B kids had all played the game before and were ready to win.  They even knew that when no one wins it's called a Cat.  It's been so much fun playing this game with all the ages and seeing the development of the discovery.

 We then headed downstairs to play with the Valentine's sensory bin.
 We also practiced reading our long I books from
 Through the year we've also been discovering digraphs.  Digraphs are two letters that make a unique sound when they are together instead of making their own individual letter sounds.  Today we worked on "ch" with this picture and word sort.  It's so awesome that they can read words like "chicken" and "beach" now.  I'm just loving their progression!

 They were so excited to give their Valentine's away and then look at the cool things they got.

 We've been working on numerals for a while. We'll be working on them for the rest of the year with different focuses (such as counting by multiples and manipulating sets).

 We've started playing our own variation of "Head Full of Numbers".  Today we just identified the numbers that came up and then wrote them down.  Each day as we play the game will keep getting harder, such as sorting them from least to greatest.  Eventually I hope to be able to play a simplified version of the real game - making equations from the numbers that are rolled.  What awesome kids!

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