
Friday, June 29, 2012

Speech Assessment, Rainbows and Movies

Today I started diving into our speech program that I'll be pulling from for Preschool A this coming year.  CJ doesn't have any large speech problems, but since we have a couple joining us for Preschool A, CJ has become my guinea pig :)  I took a model from the text I'm reading and put together a Speech Articulation Test for 3-5 year olds.  It looks at the most common and correctable errors for 3-5 year olds in the beginning, middle and end of words.  It also looks at the type of problem: omitted sound, substituted sound, distorted sound.  If you'd like to download the speech articulation test you can find it (FOR FREE) here:

To give the test (I'm realizing now that I didn't give any instructions in the printable - oops - I'll correct that tomorrow), have your child say the name of each picture.  Then mark according to the marking key at the bottom.  Only look at the beginning sound for the first picture, the middle sound for the second picture, and the ending sound for the last picture.  If they make a mistake somewhere different in the word you'll mark that on other words.

I intend to put together some sound error analysis information as well as post lesson plans and activities that we will be using throughout the year.  Those activities will be specific to our needs though, so I hope they will help some of you - Speech is just a very personalized thing.

Last night we loved going to the drive in movies!
 It's always a double feature.  The first movie was, "Brave."
 We ate popcorn and had a great time!

 The boys fell asleep for the second movie, "The Avengers." Which I thought was great :)
Today, after sleeping in, we've been helping prepare for the boy's cousin's 1st birthday party.  It's a rainbow theme!

 It's going to be so fun!  More pictures to come tomorrow!
Just 45 minutes left to enter our book giveaway! Have you looked at our Tot School and Preschool Planning guide for next year? Have you looked at our Preschool 4th of July Pack?  So much fun stuff happening lately.  Please keep everyone affected by the fires in your prayers and thoughts.  There have been 2 families members (in different states) that have had the fires come close to their homes.  Please pray for everyone's safety.

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