
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mud and Worms in Preschool

We started our preschool day reading oodles of books about worms.  We talked about how they are important for the Earth and how to handle them.  We talked about their body parts, how they move and what they eat.  Then we opened up the worm compost bin and investigated the worms in there.  Outside we dumped a couple pitchers of water on the ground and up came a big fat worm!  CJ held it up for everyone to investigate. 
Then we were free to play in the mud.  We started off with a pool of clean water and a pool of dirt.  We also had our play kitchen tools available.  There was oodles of fun to be had with the self designated "work" of making mud.  There was an amount of transferring dirt and water from pool to pool.
 In the end this is about what we looked like.  Boy it was fun!
Be sure to check Facebook Wednesday morning for another quick giveaway!

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