
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Vehicles 2-25

We had so much fun learning letter R and all about vehicles.  We played with all the road signs and made our own steering wheels.  They loved driving around all the shapes on the floor (made of painters tape).  While driving on each shape they walked the outline and said the name of the shape over and over again.  We also got to "drive our race cars" by saying /r-r-r/ and running around the cones set up as a track.  For art we enjoyed painting with cars!
 We gave all the cars a bath in the sink after playing with them in the paint.  We had a fun game where we had to sort all of the attribute blocks into the correct shape on the floor.  We worked on our shapes song and played with the parachute and shape beanbags.  We had such a fun day!

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