
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Safety - Tot School

We had such a delightful time learning about safety this week!  We talked all about firemen and policemen and how they are there to help us stay safe. In the Safety Tot Pack {FREE download} we played a short path game where we had to get the fire dog to the firetruck. It's such a fantastic game to practice counting to 3 and moving that many spaces.
 We also sequenced firemen helmets according to size.
 We LOVED playing with our Melissa and Doug puppets today. It was important to stress throughout the day that firemen and policemen are there to help us stay safe.  They are just like moms and dads that wear a uniform to keep us safe.
 After we headed outside we enjoyed cutting paper, exploring the tot pack, playing in the sandbox and playhouse, and drawing "fire" on the chalkboard.

 We also utilized our new swing to look at books.  It was a very popular activity!

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