
Friday, September 13, 2013

Dentist Office Field Trip

Don't forget to swing by and enter to win the Lakeshore Learning Craft Supply Box!

We had oodles of fun at the Dentist Office today.  If you happen to live in the Aurora/Centennial area I'd highly suggest Saddle Rock Pediatric Dentistry.  We enjoyed going for rides in their chairs, touring the whole facility, meeting the dentist and even having a lesson about how to brush our teeth. 

 This is where they take pictures of your teeth.  It was such a fun and easygoing exploration of the Dentist Office and I'm certain it will make our next appointment (particularly the x-ray part) much easier!

 The children all gathered around for a lesson on how to brush teeth.  Of course, using a fish with teeth and a giant toothbrush made it super engaging as well!
 The kids loved the toddler room since it was full of great toys to explore!
I believe that going on field trips helps to broaden our children's horizons and I find it sad that there is not time in the school system to make field trips happen often enough.

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