
Friday, June 28, 2013

The Praying Mantis

A number of months ago I ordered seeds for our garden. In their catalog they had two beneficial insects: the lady bug, and the praying mantis. I thought I'd get them because they'd help the garden and the boys would get a kick out of them.
So I also put a mantis kit in my wish list on Amazon so we could watch a few of them grow in our home. Well, I finally ordered it (I needed my cart to make it to $25 so I could order a few arrows - that blasted add on program :). It arrived a day or so ago and has been sitting on the piano. Steve was over by the piano tonight and his eyes got all big and super excited about it. I hadn't shown it to the boys yet since our Mantis eggs won't arrive for a few weeks, but they jumped on it and CJ said, "I want to watch a movie about those!" So, enter YouTube, the perpetual teacher.
Maybe in a few minutes I'll pull out the Praying Mantis book I ordered when I ordered the eggs. I'm sure they'll eat it up.

That, my friends is how you learn without a curriculum.  It's learning for life. Take interests from life, real life, and learn to read, process math, write, grow a garden with beneficial bugs or shoot a bow and arrow.

You'll notice over the next couple of months a few changes coming to the blog.  Thursday's will boast reviews and giveaways.  Be sure to check out the "My First Science Experiments" post coming next Thursday.  There are also giveaways for a subscription to, book giveaways, curriculum giveaways, and much more coming soon.  Be sure to follow us on Facebook or by email to stay on top of all the great stuff that will be happening!

You'll also see "Nexus Academy" starting to pop up on the blog.  Nexus Academy is what I've decided to call our homeschooling adventures.  It will take us into the high school years much better than "Little Adventures Preschool" would.  So, Little Adventures Preschool, meet Nexus Academy.  Both preschool and Nexus Academy ideas will be posted here throughout the years to come.

Let me know what types of things would be helpful to you by leaving a comment below.  Together we can educate the next generation of world changers.

Happy Learning!
-Miss Amanda

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