
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Summer Plans

What are your summer plans?  I intend to work hard with my play group (LEARN= Life Explored and Responsibility Nurtured) to set up education based intentional meetups.  I love being in a group that I consider my homeschooling group even though many of them aren't officially "homeschoolers".  We all have the same goals and values for our children and that is a powerful thing.  We're working on setting up a School Co-Op Day for the next school year that will engage all children from toddlers through Kindergartners (more on that Monday or Tuesday after we meet as a group).  In the mean time I'm hosting a variety of play dates known as "Little Learners" for the group to demonstrate to other moms how to lesson plan and intentionally spend time with their children.  We will be using the Little Adventures Tot Camp Printables as the lesson plans for these get togethers.  They are great packs you can use at home with your child(ren) or you can get together your playgroup and make it a fun meetup.

Tot packs are about 20 pages in length.  They each have a page of activities ideas and oodles of printables.  You can certainly use all or part of the lesson plans.  The printable pages include songs, matching games, drawing games and other activities.  Tot packs are designed to be a first introduction to math concepts, letters, shapes and colors.  They are not meant to obtain mastery in any subject.  Let them be a guide for educational play between you and your child.

There are 6 packs for the summer time curriculum and as we have each activity day I'll post pictures and share how it went.  If you are interested in getting in on the fun you can buy the packs from Teacher's Notebook or enter the raffle below to win your own downloadable set.

click on the picture to link to the printable.
Little Adventures Preschool is holding spot #6 over at Circle of Moms Top 25 Homeschooling Moms for 2013.  Please show your support by stopping by and clicking the heart next to our logo.  Thank you! 


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    1. Check heatherbeaupre{at} or your spam folder. You're on my email list, but if it didn't send I'd be happy to send it again. Just let me know! littleadventurespreschool{at}

    2. Yep, it was in the spam. Thanks.

    3. You bet! Enjoy and happy learning!
