
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

2013-2014 Calendar and Plans

Does everyone spend their summer just as busy as the school year in planning and preparing, or is that just me? I've always spent my summer more engrossed in making the next year better than the previous one and now that I'm homeschooling it is hardly any different. In fact, I'm on vacation right now, but instead of relaxing by the pool or catching up on much needed sleep, I'm curriculum planning for next year. If you are heading into toddler years (tot school) or preschool years you can follow along with us for the 2013-2014 school year and consider your curriculum planning already started! Win for you! (or as my gamer husband would type: FTW!) 
What's even more awesome this time around is that the calendar is EDITABLE!  That's right.  If you don't want to follow exactly along or perhaps you need to switch a few items around you have the ability with this file to change the theme text on each date!

Download the calendar for free here:
With my calendar in its completed state I'm ready to start working on pulling together lesson plan extensions. Find a list of Tot Packs that I have completed for the 2013-2014 school year here. This year I'll be adding extension packs to the preschool curriculum throughout the year.  Find the current version of the Preschool Curriculum here. As files are updated to include the extension packs you'll be able to re-download any previously purchased files to receive the updated version.

I'm also starting CJ in Kindergarten this fall.  If you've read through my Philosophy on Education you know that I believe in starting in a very structured environment and then slowly releasing the control to the student.  Last year CJ did "Preschool B" where he started to take control of certain aspects of his learning.  This year  CJ will be doing TouchMath book studies, and attending a weekly Homeschool Cooperative Learning Experience (a post about setting that up is coming soon!).  He will have more control about when, where and what he will study.  I intend to continue providing him with the opportunities and resources I see as beneficial.  This morning he asked if he could play with trains by asking this: "Can I play with this big box of trains?  It would be a GOOOOOD life experience."  Yes, I use that vocabulary with him and hope that he'll make judgments on what he'll be learning according to what is a "GOOOOOOD life experience".  I still hope that through the next few years CJ and I will become a team that takes learning very serioiusly, but much less traditionally.  I'll keep you posted on how it all goes!  

Enjoy, and happy learning!
-Miss Amanda

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