
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thursday Tot School - Fruits and Vegetables

What a great week of learning!  Thursday Tot School enjoyed playing and learning with fruits and vegetables.  I love having a few seed catalogs on hand because you can get them for free and they are full of pictures for kids to utilize for all sorts of activities.  Today we were cutting out pictures to make a place mat of fruits and vegetables. Of course, I use the phrase "cutting out" very loosely :)
 We're learning all about how to hold scissors and make a cut.  There isn't any intentional cutting yet, just snipping around the edges.  Practice this at home by giving your child junk mail and pages of magazines and some child safe scissors and let them cut however they like.  With lots of practice they'll figure out the most efficient way of cutting.
 We're working on numerals this month and every once in a while we get to play on the numbers portion of (subscription site only).
 They love playing with the SMARTBoard.
 We also had out all the fruits, vegetables and kitchen toys today.  There was a lot of cooking, baking, and "cutting" going on.
 I had to sneak in this fun picture.  CJ has been working on during tot school.  He's having fun with his computer time and it's reinforcing his learning.
 This week we focused on the letter V for Vegetables.
 Snack time was a lot of fun with a variety of fruits and vegetables to try.

 Coloring our place mats.
 Gluing our place mats.

 We had a lot of fun this week!
For the next two weeks we'll be switching our curriculum.  Due to the weather we'll spend the first week talking about trees and plants and the second week talking about mud and worms.  Hopefully by the time mud and worms rolls around it will be warm enough to head outside again to make some mud pies. 

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