
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Weather - Tot School Tuesday

What a fun day of school!  I apologize that everyone came home so dirty.  We sure enjoyed our time together though!
 We started our day off by coloring with markers.  Each child had a 6x18 piece of paper that would eventually turn into a windsock.

 I had yellow and pink streamers to choose from and each child picked their own color.
 Here is where all the fun got started and Miss Amanda forgot to put paint smocks on everyone.  It wasn't too messy, but the shaving cream did get on clothes.  We mixed white liquid glue with shaving cream to paint clouds.  When it dries the glue holds the air bubbles in the shaving cream and it is a soft and slightly squishy finished project.
 Our sensory bin was blue rice with a felt sun, large white pompom clouds, little blue pompom raindrops, and pipe cleaner lightning bolts. They had a lot of fun with it!
 We are continuing to practice sitting on a green mat while I read stories.  It's completely optional at this point, and a good introduction to a routine that we'll be following in preschool in the fall with the older kids that are moving up.
 Doing the ASL for "Sun" as we're talking about different types of weather.
 We got to play with play-dough in three different colors.  Yellow for the sun, blue for rain or sky, and white for clouds.
 SH found out that the play-dough would stick to her head, and the trend caught on...
 We turned on the fan at the end of the day for everyone to fly their windsocks and they thought it was the most excellent thing in the whole world! The giggles and laughter were just contagious.  It was so much fun!

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