
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wheels - Tot School Tuesday

Just a heads up: I had to pick from almost 200 pictures from this mornings adventures in tot school.  I ended up with 46.  Picture heavy post of awesome coming right up...
This morning I knew that as soon as I set up the soil and construction trucks center for tot school my boys wouldn't be able to keep their hands off.  And boy was I right.  They were ready to dive right in!
 Our friends arrived shortly thereafter and we kicked off Wheel Week with a bang (or a spin?)!
 I didn't quite realize that the cars and trucks and everything containing wheels had really started taking over our home until I pulled them all out for today's activities, boy there were a lot!
 Everyone was very busy with their chosen "work" for the morning before snack.  EMan took all the pieces from the Wheels Tot Pack and put them in this big rig.
 Lil'GalE was pointing at the stop and go signs and "reading" them to us :)

 Brushing all that dirt off Lil'GalB's dress.

 I love this picture of VB.  She was working so hard trying to figure out how to hold all of the signs at the same time and her little tongue was demonstrating the internal concentration :)
 Lil'GalS used so many signs today, here she is signing tricycle.
 Eww!  You mean I'm not supposed to lick the dirt :P

 There's even dirt on my toes!
 That's one messy girl!
 Can you believe that all happened before snack time?  Today we had gluten free circle cereals and dried apricots for snack.  Both are circle shaped just like wheels!
 EMan has a new necklace that we're using as a replacement habit for putting non-edible items in his mouth (like the dirt for example).  Today is just his second day having it and it will take some more prompting to encourage him to stick his necklace in his mouth instead of other things.  The necklace is called "Chewlery" specifically for kids with oral sensory needs.
 We played with this fun tape circle on the floor.  We went in and out, walked around it, and somersaulted through it.

 All dirty again!
 I didn't say anything to announce what I was doing, but I went to the boxes and started pulling out the paint smocks.  Immediately Lil'GalBR jumped up and was so excited that she was going to get to wear a paint smock.  It was so cute!
 We were playing "in" the circle and then it turned into check out the flowers on Miss Amanda's toes :) Cute girls!
 We put on our paint smocks and then drove the cars through the paint and on our papers.

 After painting with our cars we gave them a bath in soap (shaving cream).
 Then we had to rinse them off in the water.

 And back to the dirt...
 Walking around the circle.
 Still working at the car wash.

We had such a fun day in tot school today!  Have a great week little ones and we'll see you next week for Dr. Seuss' Birthday celebration.

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