
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wheels - Thursday Tot School

I just completely love what I do.  Today's tot school class was no less than excellent :).
 Sorry (again) for the picture heavy post, but I took so many pictures and I didn't want to cut out any of them.
 The theme today was wheels, an excellent interactive theme for all the kids!
 There were bikes and toy cars and trucks everywhere!
 Once EMan started putting his toes in the soil there were a few others that chimed right in and the shoes and socks all started coming off.  I apologize for dirty socks :)
 We played with a tape circle on the ground.  We specifically worked on the vocabulary "in" and "out".  Lil'GalA is out of the circle.  (Don't you just love this photo?)
 CJ is learning to play on and is often spending his time doing that during tot school.  Today, however, he couldn't pass up the wheels theme.
 Snack time of gluten free circle cereal and apricots.  We spent a lot of time talking about how they were both shaped like wheels.
 I read My Truck is Stuck and everyone was completely enthralled.

 After snack time we pulled out paint and cars.  We drove them all over the paint and then on our papers.

 After we painted with the cars and trucks they needed to go through the car wash...
 ...add some shaving cream "soap" and they're ready to clean those cars!
 A bucket of water was added a few minutes later to rinse off all the soap.
 Having done this once before, EMan was no stranger to the activity and was ready to take it all on in his messy way.
 Lil'ManJ was having SO MUCH FUN with the car wash.  He kept saying, "Car wash" over and over again.  He would splash in the water and repeat.  It was so fun to watch him.
 Here we are with the Wheels Tot Pack toward the end of the day.  We practiced singing "The Wheels On The Bus" with the arm motions and tracing wheels with our fingers.
 We also matched cars to their correct paint splash and to the correct shape.
We had such an excellent day.  Thank you for sharing your children with me!


  1. Wow!!! What great ideas! I love it! Thank you for sharing your passion and creativity with my daughter. This week she keeps saying "I love Miss Amanda"

    1. Today my daughter and I went through the wheels tot pack. We took a toy car and a tray of snow as our first activity. Than I introduced hot water vs. the cold snow as we continued to talk about wheels and play with the toy car. Afterwards we took pipe cleaners and made a wheel when I remembered this activity:

      We continued using ideas from the tot pack and your blog. It was a great day learning about wheels!
