
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sun - Monday Preschool

On Monday we started learning about letter U.  We talked all about the sun, reading books about the sun and discovering that the sun is a star that is really close to us, that's why it looks so big!
 Every child should have gone home with a sun lacing card.  Check their backpacks for it!  Please help them with this activity, a few are really struggling still.
 Everyone also went home with a sun letter wheel.  Turn the back wheel and identify the letter that appears in the window.  If you didn't get this activity please ask me on Monday.  I have a couple sitting on my piano.
 Reaching up like U the Pup!
 Reading all about the sun.
 Yummy snack time!
 Monday seemed like one of those days where I had a bunch of fun activities planned but they weren't all well received by the crowd :(.  We made these cute U the Pup puppets (completely not interesting to a few).  We also made sun art by cutting out a circle and then painting our hand prints around it (also not interesting to a few).  Oh well.  We'll just move on...
 We played's U activity.  We also played with squares (the shape of the day).  We are working on learning our shapes this month.  Please help us out by identifying shapes in your home with your kids.
 Preschool B jumped right into long vowel i words today. They are doing so great at picking up and recognizing where long vowels exist.

 We worked on sorting a picture match of long vowel words.

 For art today they decided that painting would be awesome.

 We had to make a second plate of paint since EMan made the first one all swirly.  Silly boy. I think I have a new arrangement worked out for him to play at a friends house during Preschool B so we can stay focused and I will be less stressed out.  I hope it works!

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