
Tuesday, December 11, 2012


It was fantastic to get snow over the weekend so we could spend Monday talking about snow.  First, we made a snowman on
 We have been learning about syllables and practiced our "Robot Speak" with different words.  Hold your hand to your chin.  Say a word in a monotone robot voice (over exaggerate the opening and closing of your mouth).  Count how many times you open your mouth for a single word.  That is how many syllables are in that word!
 We made snowflakes out of silver pipe cleaners and beads.  They should have come home and you can decorate with them or bead and re-bead them for fine-motor skills practice.

 Making the letter F art from the Amazing Action Alphabet.
 Cutting out snowflakes from coffee filters.
 Throwing our "Snowflakes" into the air and trying to keep them up by blowing on them.
 We are continuing our work on graphing.  I introduce the idea of graphing by talking about each shape/object likes to wear "hats".  Each "hat" has to match the object.  Then we count the number of "hats". You can't count the face!
 At the end of the day we got all bundled up and went outside with our kid sized spray bottles filled with water and food coloring to spray paint the snow.  It was lots of fun!

 Preschool B has been introduced to the first 40 Dolch pre-primer sight words.  We'll spend the next few weeks reviewing them before we head into the first 40 Fry sight words in January (the first 40 not counting the repeats from the Dolch list).

 We've been working with 3D shapes in math and it has been improving our cutting skills along the way.  I've used the 3D printables from all of my winter type themes and each day they get to pick out the shape they want to make.  I don't feel like kids get enough experience with 3D shapes in their flat form and building them into their 3D shape.  We've had a lot of fun with this and will be moving on to playing with coins and money next Monday.
 They like to throw the shapes like dice and see how they land.

 Writing time!

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