
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Gingerbread Friends - Tuesday Tot School

Gingerbread Friends is one of my most favorite themes.  I think I say that quite often, so maybe I have a theme or two each month that are my favorites... maybe I just like my job :)
 Dry rice was our sensory snow for the gingerbread house to start the day.  It became a lot of fun to make it "snow" on the ground.  Dry rice and hard floors = slippery surface!  Children may have come home with a new bump on their knees.  I ended up vacuuming during class to avoid catastrophe :)
 Reading and listening to the Gingerbread Man.  "Run and run as fast as you can!  You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"
 We tried coloring on sandpaper with cinnamon sticks, but I think mine must have been too old since they did practically nothing.  Oh well. We also enjoyed playing with the Gingerbread Friends Tot Pack throughout the school day.
 We made gingerbread cookies.  Before rolling them out and cutting them we got to smell the dough first. What does it smell like?
 It became messy, so there are no more pictures after this of cutting the cookies.  I only have so many hands...
 Snack of vegetables while the cookies are in the oven!
 Decorating our cookies!
 Time to make a gingerbread house!
 Wow!  Look at all that frosting!
 The gingerbread play-dough was a lot of fun!
 We also painted with gingerbread scented finger paints (home made, check the tot pack for the recipe).  It's quite a squishy experience.
 At the end of the day we decided to color our gingerbread men with the scented crayons since the cinnamon sticks didn't work out as well as we had hoped.  Thank you to the families who sent crayons our way!  We melted them down, added some ginger and cinnamon oils and cooled them in little gingerbread shapes.  They are super cute and leave a great scent behind.

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