
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tot School Thursday - Indians and Pilgrims

NOTE: This theme is meant as an introduction to Native Americans and Pilgrims. I have intentionally used the word Indian to introduce the letter I. Indian, however, is not an accurate description of Native Americans. For more information please see this link. There are also many different tribes of Native Americans that have very different traditions. Though the Pilgrims were in contact with the Wampanoag, this theme introduces ideas from many different tribes.

Kids got right to work on the Indians and Pilgrims Tot Pack and the Alphabet Pages.
 We built homes with Lincoln Logs and Lil'ManJ found out that they fit perfectly down the little hole in the train table.
 The girls pulled out the balance board and wanted to play with it together.  There was so much giggling as they worked it out.
 I suggested they hold hand and then I held onto their upper arms.  They had so much fun bouncing their legs!
 Everyone is hard at work!
 Snack time of carrots and g/f graham crackers.
 We colored on sandpaper to make our own version of petroglyphs.

 I just love Lil'GalB's smile {grin}.
Lil'GalP was being super cute all day!
 We glued feathers onto strips of paper, intended to be headbands, but it was a lot more fun to blow the feathers off the table and all around.

 Lacing beads to make necklaces.

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