
Monday, November 5, 2012

Insects! 11-5-2012

We've been starting our preschool days with 12 piece puzzles and name tracing.  The puzzles are hard for some and easy for others, but when they work together they can get them done!

 We made watches today with our two sight words: "I" and "my".  Help your child practice recognizing those words in the text of books you read to them.
 We had an invasion of ladybugs in our classroom today!  We put on our binoculars and hunted around the room for them.  The only way we could catch them was to tell the name of the letter and the sound it made or the word that it had on its belly.
 Letter A!

 We read books about all sorts of insects.
 Each child has a pre-reading book in their backpack. Be sure to read it with your child and demonstrate pointing to the words that you're reading.
 Yummy snack of homemade Lara Bars and cottage cheese!
 I the insect art from the Amazing Action Alphabet.
 I the insect itches: i i i !
 Preschool B was ready for some new sight words and word families today.  We're on Unit 5 of 8 in Level 1 Ready2Read.  We have some great reading strategies for what to do when we don't know a word and we're working on our fluency.  Be sure to have kids reread their books multiple times to gain a more natural reading fluency.
 Picking out what we should have for snack!  CJ was looking through one book and then threw it to the side and said, "That one doesn't have any pictures!" he sounded so disappointed :)

 We've been working on our Bob books and are becoming quite proficient readers.

 Writing today was focused on tracing neatly.  We talked about the word sloppy and how our writing has to be legible.
 Rhythm sticks during music time today.
 We made puff paint for art and then cooked it in the microwave.  It was something I'd never done before, but they loved it!

 During math we played a game that requires you to make a shape by putting a few other shapes together.

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