
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bubbles - Tot School Thursday

What a busy day!  We were so busy that I took almost 100 pictures in the two hours that we had tot school.  I was just trying to capture all of the fun.  I apologize again for all the bumps and bruises from the day.  We were having so much fun and collisions just seemed to be a part of the fun of chasing bubbles.
 We love playing with our Bubbles Tot Pack!

 All of the toddlers love coloring on the tot packs so much that just having one has been a problem for a few weeks.  I have a project in the works to have four alphabet packs available during every tot school so we can spread out a little more.  Look for the alphabet packs download coming soon!

 We were running through a curtain of bubbles back and forth saying, "B, B, Bubbles!" over and over again!  It was so much fun!
 Homemade applesauce and water for lunch.  Yum!
 Though the Tuesday class didn't really get into this, the Thursday class LOVED the bubbles app on the iPad.  Everywhere you touch a bubble appears and if you touch a bubble it pops!  Simple, yet really fun.
 We played with straws and practiced blowing tissue paper across a table.
 Painting bubble wrap and pressing it on our papers makes an interesting bubble print.

 We get to spend a few minutes outside at the end of tot school on cold days.  I planned for 15 minutes today, but by the time I got everyone's coats on we only had 5 minutes left to play outside.  Perhaps it will be warmer next week!

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