
Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome to Preschool!

Welcome to preschool friends!  I can't believe that I forgot to grab my camera at the start of the day, but we certainly had a great day!  Preschool A utilized the "Welcome and Manners" preschool pack thoughout the day to enhance our learning. Here are a few great pictures from the day (be sure to scroll down for Preschool B in the afternoon).

 Snack time.

 Washing faces and hands :)
 Math - quantity of 1.

 Watching "The Napping House".
 Replaying the "Napping House" to continue our conversation about the quantity of 1.
 Little Jack Horner game.
 Music exploration.
 Preschool B learning about their choices for the day.
 Picking what items they'd like to use in art.

 Art time!

 Picking what they'd like to do for music.
 Hand Bells was the winner!

 We made a nice fruit smoothie and enjoyed peas for snack time.

 Quantities up to 5.
We had a great first day of school!

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