
Thursday, August 23, 2012

School Tools - Thursday Tot School

To do your own awesome tot school with your child or playgroup you can easily follow along with us.  Just download our lesson plans along the way!  Today we did the School Tools Tot Pack.
 This was the first day for the majority of these kids.  We started with play-dough and the first few pictures tell all.  The picture above shows faces of uncertainty and timidness, but then eventually everyone dives into the fun!
 We sang a fun song about using scissors to learn to open and close them.  Most kids used play-dough scissors, the kind without a metal blade. 
 Tot school is a very free flowing activity day.  Toddlers should be able to choose which activity they want to do when (within reason).  As I introduce activities I try and be engaging and exciting, but if digging in the sandbox or riding a bike is more exciting, so be it, that's why those toys are out.

 Once the playhouse doorbell was discovered we all heard it for five minutes straight.  If you are my neighbor, I am so sorry.  I distracted them with snack as soon as I could.

 Speaking of snack, it was delicious!  We had cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers.  We also drank from open cups.  My favorite was one little gal who dumped her water on her chest and excitedly exclaimed, "Splash!"
 If you don't have door stoppers somewhere convenient for toddlers to play with you should consider it.  It's completely worth the buck fifty :)
 We did a lot of coloring with crayons today.  Scribbling is an important activity to develop all the small muscles in your hands and it strengthens hand eye coordination.
 A few of the kids are old pros at the tot packs.  Children that hadn't seen a tot pack before were curious and loved exploring the different activities.  We played the "Where are the crayons?" game over and over.  I can't believe I don't have a picture of it.  The giggles and squeals of delight while playing that game were so precious.

 We also tore tissue paper.  LilGalP was so giggly.  Tearing the tissue paper was so silly!
 We tried to get a picture of the tot class, but getting that many toddlers all together and happy was quite a challenge.  It's still a cute picture though!

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