
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

More Back to School Prep

We've done a lot more backyard prep today.  A lot of it was just tossing out broken sandbox toys and cleaning up a bit.  We also painted our new fence, thanks to our neighbor for putting it up over the weekend.  I have a really awesome neighbor, just saying.  Another aspect to our preparation was Lawn Twister!  The boys already love it!

Start with a cardboard box and a lid about the size of a Twister dot.
 This lid was perfect.  Trace it inside the cardboard box.
 Cut out the circle.

 I happen to have a Twister mat that I laid out to determine where I wanted the mat to be on the grass. If you don't have a mat you can just eyeball where you'd like your board to be.
 I used the dots as a guide to where we should paint, and the side of the Twister mat to determine my straight line.  CJ really wanted to help, but wasn't strong enough to push down the spray paint button by himself, so we did it together.
 I used regular spray paint, it worked great.
 I was concerned that yellow wouldn't show up super great, so I went for orange instead.  Since Back to School Night is a rainbow themed party I really should have gone in the rainbow color order, but I just followed the Twister mat order and didn't think of that until after.
 The green doesn't show up as great as I was hoping it would, but it is doable.  On our chalkboard wall I used a paint stick, nut, bolt, and washers to make a spinner.  I used the same spray paint as the lawn to match the colors.  Since Little Adventures Preschool is all about toddlers and preschoolers I didn't want to get too technical.  The rules will be modified a bit:
  • Spin the spinner.
  • Put a hand or foot on the color the spinner landed on.
Simple and fun.  My boys already love it!
 I got our preschool banner in the mail today and I couldn't be more thrilled with it.  Yay!  I'll see everyone at Back to School Night tomorrow.  Be prepared to play a little Twister!
Don't forget to enter our book giveaway:

Also, don't forget to download the August printables before the free sale ends!

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