
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Curriculum is coming!

I hope you'll choose to follow along with Little Adventures Preschool this fall.  We are going to have so much fun!  I'll be releasing a Tot School curriculum and a Preschool A curriculum.  They are different from tot packs and preschool packs that you've seen around other places.  They are organized into a lesson plan format with a lot of helpful tips for parents and teachers.  Both curriculums would be fantastic one-on-one with your own child, or in a full classroom setting with multiple children. 
Most of the preschool and tot packs you see contain general learning material.  This is a great start.  My preschool and tot packs follow a linear ten month school year curriculum map, researched and designed by me.  We learn the alphabet in a structured manner, not alphabetically.  We begin to read by the third week of school in preschool.  Each pack builds upon the previous packs.  Literacy plans build upon letters students have already learned.  This ensures that students learn letters in a natural way, rather than in isolation.  Math concepts also become more difficult throughout the year.
We are growing along the way.  You'll be able to tell if your child needs more time working on specific concepts in a packet or if they are ready to take the next step.  We will not be playing darts with the order that concepts are introduced. You will be successful at home as you follow along and play with us.  You can watch my students grow and learn each week through the blog.  I hope you'd also blog about your experience in tot school or preschool (or both) and share that with me.
The education of my children, and my students, is my top priority.  The many nights of lost sleep due to planning and preparing will make this year the best year of Tot School and Preschool ever!  Both for our home and yours.

Don't miss a thing!

Be sure to “Like” us on Facebook to get quick updates about what’s going on:!/pages/Little-Adventures-Preschool/276609842384165

You can also find all my “Pinned” ideas and articles for each class here:

And all the printables that I’ll be making throughout the year here:

Happy learning everyone!
-Miss Amanda


  1. I like I like I like!!! I discovered you today from TWTM in a mention and I'm here to follow now! :)

    1. Welcome MJ! I think you'll love what's coming :) pardon my asking, but what us TWTM?

  2. So sorry, The Well Trained Mine forum. There was a mention in the post about what people are doing for this year's PK/K. :)

    1. I guess I'm not familiar with that one. Funny to hear how people hear about me :) I'm glad that my work is being shared with others. Welcome again!

  3. Would you mind sharing a little bit more about your plans for this? Will their be a cost? How much teacher prep (cutting, laminating, etc.)?

    Thank you for sharing your creativity!

    1. Great questions! These will be curriculum packs similar to what you'd find at other blogs and websites. I like to laminate everything and bind each week's plans into a book so everything is handy. Tot Packs will have more cutting and laminating than preschool packs. Preschool packs follow a lesson plan format and has much more for the mom or teacher than the tot packs to. There are printables that are art pages and science pages for kids. Preschool packs do not have to be laminated at all if that is your preferance. I suggest different activities that will require you to have paints and other supplies on hand. I'm currently working on a list of materials I like to have. I also suggest numerous books that you can check out from the library. I hope to have each week's plans out 2 weeks in advance of teaching them so you can request books from the library and get everything all set. There will be a $2 per MONTH charge on Teacher's Notebook for the materials. Each month pack will contain 4 Tot Packs or 8 Preschool Packs. Please feel free to ask more questions!

  4. Are you still doing these preschool packs? I am getting ready to teach my 4 year old and would like to be well prepared. Thanks!

    1. Hi Bridgett! Yes, I have completed all the packs and am on my third year using them with my preschoolers. They love it! Find all the materials here:

  5. It keeps kicking me out. Hopefully you aren't getting 14 million messages from me. I am just wondering about your preschool packs. If you are still doing them and how I can go about requesting them. I am getting ready to teach my 4 year old preschool and would like to be prepared. Thank you!
