
Tuesday, July 24, 2012


We had a fantastic last day of summer camp today.  We got to explore wheels of all sorts, which is just what every child dreamed of doing!
 We used some of our wheels to make interesting looking tracks through the paint.
 And yes, even on our hands!
 The sandbox was full of diggers and dumpers and wheels of all sorts!
 We played with some stickers of wheels on this great big oil pan.  Our stickers even had some roads that we drove some wheels on.  These boys sure loved playing with these little bicycle riders.
 More digging and dumping fun!
 Everyone brought over the water and sand safe wheels that they had, so there were plenty of wheels to go around!  We had a car wash and washed everything we could!
 And just played in the water as well...
 This airplane is coming in for a water landing!
 CJ was also sporting mom's helmet, ride safe!

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