
Monday, July 30, 2012

Lot's of work underway!

It may appear from the blog that nothing is happening around Little Adventures Preschool right now, and quite honestly it is quite the opposite!  We are spending every day playing and enjoying life!  Today we went to the swim beach and on Saturday we enjoyed the Farmer's Market.  While the boys are sleeping at nap times and night times I'm also very busy working on curriculum planning for the school year.  We are about to embark on the most awesome school year ever and I'm so excited about all of our classes!  The materials I ordered with registration money just arrived, our first book order magazines just arrived, and I'm working on redecorating the preschool room and putting up some hanging art lines in the backyard for tot school.  We are very busy here and hope you'll keep an eye out for all the great new things coming soon!

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