
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Summer Tot Packs Give Away

Don't you just love playing with the little person in your life and knowing that they are learning at the same time?  I love sitting with EMan as he scribbles all over tot packs and rips off all the Velcro'd pieces.  The complete delight on his face when he matches a piece back to where it belongs is all worth it.  CJ also continues to amaze me.  He circles letters that he knows, and words that he can read and when he gets stuck he says with much enthusiasm, "Let's sound it out mom!"

It is for those experiences that I choose to homeschool.  Knowing that with the right tools in hand they are getting the love and attention they deserve.  We have the power to launch children into a lifelong love of learning that strengthens our relationships and brings our family closer together.

This summer I've embarked more into Tot School as EMan has shown interest in it.  We have a number of friends from our playgroup that were interested in doing a "first experience away from mommy" through Tot School, so we started Tot Summer Camp, 6 days 2 hours a day, spread throughout the summer where a gaggle of toddler girls come play with us.  It has been delightful!

To share the love of Tot School with everyone I've decided to do a giveaway of the Tot Summer Camp Packs curriculum. There are six total and to see all the details about them head to my Teacher's Notebook page.

Go ahead and download "Nursery Rhymes and Singing Times" - that one is free for everyone and will give you a great idea of what you'll be getting your hands on.

Want to win a pack?  Or maybe all of them?  Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway now!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would love your Safari Tot pack if I won. All your packs look good though. Thanks for the great giveaway! My tweet about your packs is under the same name (teeniebeenie6). Thanks again!

  2. If I win, I would love the Summer Bugs Tot Pack

  3. I would love to win Gardens and Planting! Thank you for the opportunity.

  4. I'd like to win the Friends tot pack. Thanks.

  5. I would like to wind the Gardens and Planting Pack.

  6. If I won I'd want to win all your tot packs...but if I had to pick one I'd love the friends one :) I think on my next mom's day off I'm gonna be making some of these packs. Thank you miss Amanda you are my hero!

  7. Gardens & Planting Tot Pack.
    Thank you for the giveaway and a free pack.

  8. I would love the gardens pack! I'm starting a school garden this year, so it would be perfect!

    Mrs. Webster’s Classroom Connections

  9. I would love the gardening or bugs tot pack.

  10. I would Love the safari pack. My son loves animals Allison rice

  11. I would love the Summer Safari Tot Pack. We love all animals! They look really cute!

  12. I would get Nursery Rhymes and Singing Times

  13. Gardens and Planting Pack. Thanks for the giveaway

  14. I would want your Friends Tot Pack!!

  15. I would love the Summer Bugs Tot Pack because my son is developing a love for insects of all kinds. He would have a blast with it.

  16. I'd love the summer fun tot pack, it's winter now for us but it will be just in time for the next summer!

  17. I would love to win the Summer Bugs Tot Pack!!!!

  18. I would love the Safari pack!
    erinropelato (at) yahoo (dot) com

  19. The Gardens and Planting pack would be great for my girls. Thanks for a fun contest!

  20. Either the summer fun or Friends, or the Summer Safari, basically my daughter would love them all!

  21. I would love the garden kids are into any type of gardening theme

  22. I think I'd choose the summer bugs tot pack, but then I might also choose the summer safari...

  23. Well they ALL look wonderful but if I had to choose one, I would choose the Gardening and Planting. I've been looking to prepare a garden space for my 3 yr old to play, plant, dig, water, explore and learn in! :) A tot pack to go along with that would be perfect!
