
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Camp - Summer Fun

There are certain things as a homeschooler that are just more fun when you invite all your friends to join in.  Every Monday morning we're hosting a play date called Summer Camp!  I set up a bunch of activities and all the moms help facilitate them while kids have fun and learn, often times from watching a peer do something first.
 We started by making play dough watermelon.  I found this idea over at No Time For Flash Cards.
 With some home made, gluten free play dough we divided it up into 8 pieces and smashed those pieces galore.  Then we added some red food coloring.
 (After our play date was over I found the VitaMix still full of the rice flour that was supposed to be in the play dough, no wonder it was so sticky!)

 Using kid safe spoons and knives we divided and cut play dough to our hearts content.

 We added some black beans as watermelon seeds, and it made a great sensory exploration.

 Watermelon comes in a round or oval shape, so we made that and then need to put the green rind on the outside.

 After wrapping our watermelon in green it was time to cut them up and serve them!

 I love this series of pictures, above where he is just about to cut open his watermelon, and below where he is so thrilled to see what was inside!

 We worked on the letter L by painting them with lemon juice.  There were quite a few kids that decided that in fact the paintbrushes tasted great with lemon juice on them!
 And the letter F, which we made fancy with glitter fireworks.

 Fairy dust toes!
 We also played a lot in the kiddie pool, which must have a number of holes in it that I missed before the play date because it was looking very sad by the end :(
 And we played with ice, exploring how it melts, and the temperature of the ice compared to the warm air.
 Activities like these are so much fun!
Don't forget to download the printables we used for today here:
And enter to win the tot packs here:
And vote for us (we're in the top 30!) here:

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Keep it up! This is a good read. I will be looking forward to visit your page again and for your other posts as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about summer camps in your area. I am glad to stop by your site and know more about summer camps.
    o meet a growing demand for language education, language camps have developed around the United States. Many of these summer programs are hosted by high schools. Colleges and universities have also created camps using their facilities to host younger students. Foreign countries have established summer schools in the United States to offer education regarding their culture and language. The growing popularity of summer language camps may be related to a growing interest in languages not typically offered in United States high school curricula. Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean are examples of languages in-demand that do not often appear in a curriculum.
    Get your child thinking about math and not just doing it by rote.

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