
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Museum of Nature and Science - Expedition Health

This week our field trip was to the Museum of Nature and Science - Expedition Health.  Since on Wednesday we were going to learn about our bodies, keeping them healthy, and doctors this seemed like a great intro activity.  Each participant gets a plastic card that keeps track of all of your tests throughout the area and then gives you a print out at the end.  The boys got to type their names in and pick their "helper" from the cool touch screens.
 EMan loved the "under 5" section where he could play with this big pin board.  I don't know exactly what to call it, but it had foot long pins with red caps that you could push through to the other side and then back again.  It was a hit with all the boys come to think of it :)
 I love T's expression in this photo.  "Hey, I'm a scientist.  What are you gonna do?"

 In the science lab we took a sample of each of the boys cheek cells and looked at them on a microscope.  It was awesome!

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