
Monday, January 30, 2012

Dancing D

D the dinosaur dances disco, don't you know?  The kids at Little Adventures Preschool know!  Check out their awesome dance moves:
I found it interesting as we our "Dance Party" day that the kids paired up in boy/girl partnerships to hold hands and frolic.  Completely adorable {grin}

 Today we started a conversation about ordinal numbers.  Check out the printables section for the Monkey printable that I used today.  The kids loved it!  Before I pulled out the monkeys though we had some instruction, then some modeling of the concept.  I put out 3 chairs and asked kids were were sitting politely to pick a chair to sit in, then I gave out high-fives - in ordinal number sequence of course!
 Then we took turn giving "high-fives" to the monkeys on the instruction page.  The kids thought this was hilarious!
 Dancing to D the dinosaur from the Amazing Action Alphabet.
 Here "R" practices the independent monkey game with a hot dots pen.
 I thought I'd grab a couple of pictures of our calendar time since I hardly ever do. 
 We practice the days of the week, colors, counting, shapes, the ABC song, and we discus the weather.  Today was fun to talk about the calendar because we got to discuss the changing of the month that will be happening in a couple of days.  Everyone grew excited as we talked about Valentine's Day!
 A few snippets of our dot art today.  We had a picture of D the dinosaur from the Amazing Action Alphabet and we took turns hole punching lots of dots to glue onto it.
 Oh, and before gluing we had to cut it out.
 With the new letter "D" under our belt we became detectives and had to find the word "and" in as many books as we could!  It's hard to tell, but each child received their own highlighter tape and highlighted the words they could read in our books.

 Making our D the dinosaur dot art.
 The boys during our calendar time.

 I love how "J" has some of his highlighter tape in his hair, what a cute kid!
 Finding all the matching letters in the sentence with the highlighter tape (we did this before having everyone find words in books independently, I'm not sure why my pictures are all out of order).

 We finished up our mini unit in music about music having high and low notes.  It was interesting once I passed out bells for "free music play" to watch the kids request everyone else to be quiet so they could determine if their bell made a high or low sound.
We are learning so much and every day is a new blessing that I get to share with these wonderful kids, thanks for sending them to me, I love being a part of their lives!

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