
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Catch Up

It's amazing how life never slows down!  Since last Thursday, my last post, we've done quite a bit.  Here are a few highlights.
We started our trilingual activity classes with our playgroup.  More about it to come, but ultimately we are trying to hold a Spanish, English and ASL immersion "class" of sorts for all ages.  We have different vocabulary focus for the day and will do a lot of singing dancing and playing in three languages.

 This is that silly dancing I told you about - and yep, that's me with EMan.
 We also went to the aquarium last Friday to see all the fish after studying J the Jellyfish and other sea animals for the week. 
 The boys had a great time and it was super relaxing for me since they were all so well behaved.
 Um, yes.  There is a tiger at the Denver Aquarium.  EMan didn't want to get too close, it made him really nervous.
 I don't get in pictures very often, but when I had my two boys on my lap while watching an aquarium show I just had to snap one.  Here's our lovely photo of Miss Amanda, C and EMan.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun few days! Loved seeing you on the blog and that last picture made me smile right along with you three!
